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MUSHROOM NAPOLEON Setas Recomendadas: Champigon de Paris blanco, agarico de ciuda, Armilaria, miel, Barbuda, Seta japonesa, Orellana en forma de embudo, Seta de Cardo, Girbola de pollancre, Orellana, Pleuroto ostreado,, Champigñon Portobello


Ingredients for 4/6 people

700 gr. oval potatoes
400 gr. fresh mushrooms
A sprig of minced parsley with a clove of garlic
2 spoons extra-virgin olive oil
100 gr. fontina cheese
100 gr. cooked ham
2 spoons grated Parmesan cheese
30 gr. flour
50 gr. butter
4 dl. milk


Boil the potatoes until they are 'al dente', peel them, cut them lengthwise into slices about ½ cm thick and put them on a towel.
Wash quickly the mushrooms, take off the hardest part of their stem and slice them.
Heat the mixture of oil, parsley and garlic in a nonstick pan; add then mushrooms, salt, pepper and stir all of the ingredients. Let them pan-fry for about 5 minutes, in order to let some water boil off.
Prepare the béchamel with flour, 30 gr. butter and milk. Add salt, some nutmeg, fontina cheese cut into small cubes and ham roughly chopped.
With the remaining butter baste a baking-pan or a oven-proof dish. Put in some potatoes, then sprinkle them with mushrooms and some spoons of béchamel.
Sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese all over, then put the baking-pan in a pre-heated oven at 180° and let it cook au gratin for 20-30 minutes.

Società Agricola Funghi Mara | info@funghimara.it | Tel 051 892049 - 051 872350 | 04045081207

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