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Ingredients for 4 people:

200 gr. Pleurotus
2 big eggs
1,2 dl. Milk
1,2 dl. Fresh cream
40 gr. butter
1 green onion
1 clove of garlic
1 sprig parsley
2 sprigs marjoram


Clean the mushrooms and chop them roughly. Shell the eggs in a pot. Add milk and cream, some nutmeg, salt, pepper and stir well. The result must be a smooth cream.
Chop the green onion. Let 1 clove of garlic and chopped green onion saute with some butter in a pan. Add mushrooms, let them cook over high heat, stirring for 6-7 minutes, then adjust salt to taste. Take garlic off the pan and let it cool. Put mushrooms into the egg mixture, then add some sliced herbs and stir. Butter 4 stencils with the remaining butter, then pour the whole mixture on them.
Bake the pies in bain-marie in a pre-heated oven at a temperature of 200° for about 30 minutes. Switch the oven off, let them rest for some minutes and serve.

Società Agricola Funghi Mara | info@funghimara.it | Tel 051 892049 - 051 872350 | NIF-IVA: 04045081207

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