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BEAN CURD, SPECK HAM AND MUSHROOMS Setas Recomendadas: Champigon de Paris blanco, agarico de ciuda, Champigñon Portobello


Ingredients for 4 people:

4 slices speck ham
1 glass red wine vinegar
150 gr. champignons
2 teaspoons mustard in grains
salt and pepper
a pinch of sugar
1 glass olive oil
300 gr. bean curd
1 leek
250 gr. tomatoes
1 zucchini


Cut speck ham slices into strips about 4 cm large, and let them brown in a pan
with no oil; let them drip then on blotting-paper.
Cut the bean curd in thin rectangular slices and prepare a marinade by mixing
vinegar, mustard, salt, pepper, sugar and oil. Then pour it over the bean curd
slices. Let them lie for about 30 minutes.
Cut tomatoes into thin slices, taking the beans off, then slice the zucchini
lengthwise into thin slices. Cut the leak into small rounds, clean mushrooms
with a damp paper towel, then take their stem off and cut them into slices.
Have the vegetables served on the course dish, putting the bean curd on the
top of it. Dress the dish with the marinade and add the toasted speck ham

Società Agricola Funghi Mara | info@funghimara.it | Tel 051 892049 - 051 872350 | 04045081207

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