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MUSHROOM VOL-AU-VENT Setas Recomendadas: Champigon de Paris blanco, agarico de ciuda, Champigñon Portobello


Ingredients for 4 people:

8 small frozen vol-au-vent
200 gr. champignon mushrooms
1 small slice onion
30 gr. butter
1 spoon flour
1 ladle hot broth
2 spoons white wine
some lemon drops
salt and pepper



Put frozen vol-au-vents in the oven until they turn out to be swollen and brown.
In the meanwhile, peel and clean mushrooms, slice them and let them cook for a few minutes with some butter, salt and pepper.
In another pot melt the remaining butter; add some flour stirring all the ingredients together, and, when everything is well-blended, thin down with broth. Let it simmer and keep stirring, until you get a smooth and homogeneous soup.
While stirring, let it simmer for a further 10 minutes.
Lastly, add thinly sliced mushrooms, some pepper and sprinkle with some wine.
While stirring, let it simmer for a further 10 minutes.
Adjust salt to taste and dress with some lemon drops.
Fill then the hot vol-au-vents with the above ingredients.

Società Agricola Funghi Mara | info@funghimara.it | Tel 051 892049 - 051 872350 | 04045081207

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