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EGG AND MUSHROOM FLAN Setas Recomendadas: Champigon de Paris blanco, agarico de ciuda, Champigñon Portobello


Ingredients for 4 people:

4 fresh eggs
8 champignons
4 thin leek slices
2 spoons minced cooked ham
2 spoons minced parsley
2 spoons grated Parmesan cheese
4 spoons cream
40 gr. margarine
Salt and pepper


Melt 20 gr. margarine in the oven in a baking pan for 35 seconds. Add thinly
sliced leek, cleaned and sliced mushrooms and bake for a further 4 minutes.

Add salt and pepper, dish out mushrooms in 4 ceramics pots, sprinkle with
chopped cooked ham and parsley, pour some cream over the two pots and put them
again in the oven for 40 seconds.

Shell one egg in each pot, then make some holes in each yolk with a toothpick
not to make the egg pop, add a small margarine slice, cover with greaseproof
paper and then let it bake in the oven for 40 seconds.

Add salt, pepper and sprinkle with some Parmesan cheese over the eggs, then
cover again with greaseproof paper and let the two pots lie in the oven for
about a minute. Serve with toasted bread.

Società Agricola Funghi Mara | info@funghimara.it | Tel 051 892049 - 051 872350 | 04045081207

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