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Questions fréquemment posées

Ici une liste de questions fréquemment posées: vous trouverez sûrement une reponse à vos doutes.

Cherchez parmi les questions fréquemment posées.

At this purpose, may I use beef manure?

No, a proper result can only be obtained using horse manure and following the instructions on the boxes of Funghi Mara's products.

Champignons d'intérêt: Champignon de Paris, champignon de couche, Champignon Portobello

May I cover the whole champignon composting organic matter with land soil?

No, you may not. You have to use the potting compost prepared by Funghi Mara, which is composed of 4/7 peat, 2/7 very small gravels and 1/7 calcium carbonate. All these elements have to be mixed together properly ( general p.h. must be between 7.2 and 7.4 ).

Champignons d'intérêt: Champignon de Paris, champignon de couche, Champignon Portobello

Where do I preserve fresh mushroom spawn?

They have to keep refrigerated, in the same part of the fridge where vegetables are.

Champignons d'intérêt: Champignon de couche variété blanche, Shiitake, champignon japonais, Pholiote de Peuplier, Champignon d'or, Pleurote corne d'ab, Pleurote de l'eryngium, Pleurote on conquille, Oreillette,couvrosse, Champignon de la passion, Champignon Portobello

How long is it possible to preserve fresh mushroom seeds?

They can be kept refrigerated for about two months. The seed box has to be opened only when ready to be used. Do not open it without a reason, otherwise the product will be damaged (infected).

Champignons d'intérêt: Champignon de couche variété blanche, Shiitake, champignon japonais, Pholiote de Peuplier, Champignon d'or, Pleurote corne d'ab, Pleurote de l'eryngium, Pleurote on conquille, Oreillette,couvrosse, Champignon de la passion, Champignon Portobello

May I put the mycelium in the deep-freezer in order to make it last longer?

No, you may not. Mycelium has to be kept at a temperature between 2 °C and 4 °C.

Società Agricola Funghi Mara | info@funghimara.it | Tel 0039 051 892049 - 0039 051 872350 | 04045081207

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