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Frequently Asked Questions

Aquí hay una lista de preguntas sobre el cultivo de hongos que nos hacen con más frecuencia: seguramente encontrará la respuesta a sus dudas.

Búsqueda entre F.A.Q.

What about the nylon wrapping up the substrate. Do I have to take it off?

No, you don't. The best solution is to let the mushrooms grow in the holes Funghi Mara previously made for you on the nylon bag.

And if there are no holes?

Just make some cuts! :)

What size should these cuts be?

They should be 2-3 cm large.

Do I have to make them all over the nylon surface?

Yes you have, excluding the lower part of the nylon bag.

The first time I want to water the nylon bag, do I have to bathe it completely?

No, you don't have to. Just wet it with a water spray.

Società Agricola Funghi Mara | | Tel 051 892049 - 051 872350 | 04045081207

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